To find out the latest Parish Council News you can also visit the Mancetter Parish Council Facebook Page.
"Mancetter Matters"
Parish Clerk: Mrs Elane Higgins |
Registered Address: |
Mancetter Memorial Hall Old Farm Road Mancetter. |
CV9 1QN |
Telephone: 01827 722552 |
Email: parishclerk@mancetterparishcouncil.gov.uk |
Website: www.mancetter.gov.uk |
Manduessedum - Mancetter Village
(Place of War Chariots)
Mancetter Parish Council
Serving the People of Mancetter and Ridge Lane
Mancetter Parish Council owns the picturesque Village Green, Mancetter Cemetery and Ridge Lane Allotments. It uses funds from cemetery fees and council tax to maintain these to a high standard; along with the historic St Peter's Churchyard, and the entrances to 11 miles of rights of way and rural footpaths.
Parish Council Precept
The Precept is the way that the Parish Council raises money to cover expenditure for the
year and is charged through the council tax system.
Based upon the approved budget, the Parish Council unanimously agreed to increase the total
annual precept to £37,000. This is an overall increase of £2,000 in total for the year, equal to
a percentage increase of 8.03%, as we have fewer households than last year.
Based upon the Council Tax Bands, the Parish Council increase FOR THE YEAR on bands
A-H are as follows:Band A £3.99, B £4.65, C £5.31, D £5.98, E £7.30, F £8.63,
G £9.95, H £11.95. Most Mancetter Parish properties fall within bands A-C, which is a
monthly increase of 33p, 39p and 44p respectively.
Mancetter Parish Council have been working with Nuneaton Signs, residents and local
community groups to create some new signage on the approaches to both villages.
Promoting our heritage is an important way of maintaining our cultural identity. We hope you
like them. In other news, a pedestrian puffin crossing has finally been approved for
Nuneaton Road in Mancetter. More details to follow.
get in touch to find out how you can get involved. Thank you.
Out of Office System Error
We apologise for a system error with our email out of office.
Please ignore any automatic replies you may have received.
The Clerk will deal with correspondence on their return.
Please contact the chairman in an emergency situation between 24th August and 12th September 2024.
Thank you.
Mancetter Community Speed Watch
Litter Picking in Ridge Lane
Keep Britain Tidy. With its roots in rural life, protection of the countryside has always been important to the WI and it was a resolution in 1954 that brought about one. This resolution called for a campaign to ‘preserve the countryside against desecration by litter,’ and subsequently led to the formation of the Keep Britain Tidy group.
Did you know that its 70 years since the `Keep Britain Tidy' campaign was established by the WI? in 1954. It has now become a recognised charity and its aims to maintain a litter free environment are familiar to everyone young and old.
To celebrate this achievement of reaching 70, Ridge Lane WI will be teaming up with Mancetter Parish Council to hold a litter pick next Friday 19th July at 11am.
We are meeting at the entrance to the playing field opposite Wakeford Close
All equipment will be provided, we just need people to join in for one hour to help make Ridge Lane look tidy.
Please come along and lend a hand...all are welcome.
How to contact the police
Tree Removal on A5 affecting Mancetter Roundabout
Dear Customer
We recently wrote to you to inform you of some upcoming work along the A5. Due to unforeseen circumstances, our hazardous tree removal work has changed. Please see below for further information.
Our hazardous tree removals along the A5 between Grendon roundabout and Holly Lane roundabout will now take place between 9pm and 6am on Tuesday 2 July, Wednesday 3 July and Tuesday 9 July. During this time, we’ll install lane closures with the use of temporary traffic lights.
On Thursday 4 July and Friday 5 July 2024, between 9pm and 6am, we’ll be removing hazardous trees along the A5 between Holly Lane roundabout and Mancetter roundabout. To carry out this work safely, we’ll fully close the A5 eastbound between Holly Lane roundabout and Mancetter roundabout. We’ll also close the A5 westbound from Mancetter roundabout to the A5/Long Street entry slip junction.
We’ll make every effort to minimise noise at these locations.
During closures, we’ll install the following fully signed diversion routes.
Access for emergency vehicles and frontages will be maintained throughout.
We’ll make every effort to ensure the impact on the local community and travelling public is kept to a minimum. We always aim to work to the programme, however unforeseen circumstances or adverse weather conditions may mean changes.
Further Information
If you’d like to be kept up to date with future work along the A5, please subscribe to our mailing list by emailing noreplyA5WMids@nationalhighways.co.uk.
If you have any questions, or if you would like to know more about our work, please call us on 0300 123 5000or email info@nationalhighways.co.uk.
You can also visit our website at nationalhighways.co.uk/our-work/ or write to us at National Highways, National Traffic Operations Centre, 3 Ridgeway, Quinton Business Park, Birmingham, B32 1AF. Please leave your feedback by completing our online survey, just scan the QR code below.
Wishing you a safe journey.
Kind regards
Lauren Trenfield|Business Services Coordinator
Operations Directorate - Midlands
National Highways | The Cube | 199 Wharfside Street | Birmingham | B1 1RN
Mancetter Parish Council Annual Return ready for inspection
Link to Mancetter Parish Council's Annual Governance and Accountability Return for the year ended 31st March 2024.
General Election Information
Warwickshire Police Contact Information
You can sign up to receive real time email updates about the things that matter to you, including news from our local policing team, updates and appeals on local incidents, useful crime prevention advice and information about policing events happening in our area.
To sign up go to www.warwickshireconnected.com
Parish Councillor Vacancy
For more information on how to apply please contact parishclerk@mancetterparishcouncil.gov.uk
Road Closure of Harpers Lane / Mancetter Road Between A5 Island and Mill Lane
Warwickshire County Council proposes to make a Temporary Traffic Order details as indicated below:
Effect of Order |
Mancetter Road/Harpers Lane closed to vehicular traffic between the junctions of the A5 Watling Street and Mill Lane. |
Reason for Order |
Pre-surface dressing patching and associated works, 0930-1530hrs. |
Order Effective from: 20 February 2024 for up to 18 months or until works are completed, whichever is the sooner. |
Anticipated Completion Date:21 February 2024. |
Access & Diversion: An alternative route will be signed and is available via: B4111 Nuneaton Road, Woodford Lane, A5 Watling Street and vice versa. No access/egress to/from D236 Mancetter Road and D239 Harpers Lane via the B4111 whilst works are in progress, access/egress via B4116 Witherley Road only. Vehicular access & egress will be maintained where possible |
Contractor: Balfour Beatty Tel:03452 415 302. |
To report any problems with these works or for further details of our current & planned roadworks visit our website www.warwickshire.gov.uk/roadworksmap or call us 01926 412515.
S Duxbury, Assistant
Director of Governance & Policy,
Shire Hall, Warwick, CV34 4RL. 2 February 2024
Borough Council Public Spaces Protection Order Alcohol Consumption / Substance Misuse
The Borough Council Community Development team would like your opinions on preventing anti-social behaviour arising from alcohol consumption and/or substance misuse within Atherstone Town Centre, North Warwickshire.
The council is proposing to introduce a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) to prevent anti-social in Atherstone Town Centre, including Market Square and Long Street.
Before introducing a PSPO, the Council must be satisfied that the activity that the order seeks to prohibit, is having or is likely to have a detrimental effect on the quality of life of those in the local area and is, or is likely to be, persistent or unreasonable in nature.
One method of finding out whether a PSPO is necessary is through public consultation and your input on this is much appreciated.
You can participate by completing a quick Consultation - just click on the button below (form will take around 2 minutes to complete).
The consultation will run until Wednesday 6 March 2024.
Flood warning for River Anker at Mancetter, Witherley and Atherstone
Flood warning for River Anker at Mancetter, Witherley and Atherstone
View map of the flood warning area(Visual only)
River levels have risen at the Mancetter river gauge as a result of heavy rainfall overnight. Consequently, flooding of property is possible from 07:45 this morning, Tuesday 02 January 2024.
Further rainfall is forecast over the next 12 hours. We expect river levels to rise until 01:00 on Wednesday 03 January 2024.
Our incident response staff are actively checking river levels and the weather forecast and clearing weed screens.
Please move family, pets, possessions, valuables and cars to safety and activate any property flood protection products you may have, such as flood barriers and air brick covers. And take photographs of any flood damage
This message will be updated this afternoon, Tuesday 02 January 2024, or as the situation changes.
Flood warning area: River Anker at Mancetter, Witherley and Atherstone including Lodge Close in Mancetter, Bridge Lane and Riverside in Witherley, Royal Meadow Drive, Ratcliffe Road and Aldermill Business Park in Atherstone.
Find a river, sea, groundwater or rainfall level in this area
Get flood warnings by phone, text or email
Could this information be better? Tell us how to improve it.
Speak to someone
Call Floodline for advice
Telephone: 0345 988 1188
Textphone: 0345 602 6340
Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Find out more about call charges
Cadent Gas Work Manor Road Mancetter
The road closure is caused by emergency gas works at the junction of Manor Road and Mancetter Road.
The board on site indicates that the work is due to continue until 7th January but we have been assured that this is a mistake and the work is due to be completed by 7th December.
Borough Councillor Keith Barnett investigated this and has asked if they can correct the board, when someone is on site.
NWBC Bin Collections
Mancetter and Ridge Lane Remembers
Please have a look at a booklet produced by the Parish Council to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the ending of World War One.
Several Consultations are taking place on local issues. Go to our Noticeboard in the Parish Council Section for more information.
Reporting Speeding
Warwickshire Road Safety Partnership is bringing partners together to improve the approach on how we investigate and respond to residents’ concerns of speeding in their area. A consistent and data-led approach has been developed which considers all types of personal injury collisions reported and average speed data at the location. To report a speed concern please visit https://warksspeedconcerns.org/
Aggressive Tarmac Gang targeting North Warwickshire Farms
Warwickshire Trading Standards has received reports that an aggressive rogue trader gang is operating in North Warwickshire, targeting farms. The rogue traders, who may be falsely claiming to work for 'Highways' or 'Traffic Management' are making unexpected visits to farms and farm shops offering to tarmac farm roads/driveways etc. They are reported to become aggressive when their offer is refused. Rogue traders often quote cheap prices before revealing the price quoted is per square metre, leaving businesses with an inflated bill to pay. Rogue traders will almost always do a bad job and use tarmac that is unsuitable, leading to cracks and weeds quickly appearing. Trading Standards Officers warn businesses not to buy goods or services from unexpected doorstep traders. It can be hard to tell a good trader from a bad one on the doorstep.
Money Matters Podcast from North Warwickshire Borough Council
We wanted to draw your attention to an exciting new podcast that we have launched ‘Money Matters with Sally', our Financial Inclusion Manager.
The podcast is relaxed chat about money matters affecting households, but we will also include episodes on related topics, such as volunteering, upskilling, training, work and digital inclusion. We are keen to support as many people as possible, to help them to help themselves, and to improve their circumstances.
The first episode launched earlier this month, and covers Free School Meals, Healthy Start Vouchers and a little bit about uniforms... guest speakers are Alison and Debbie from Family Information Service.
The link to the podcast trailer is here www.podbean.com/ei/pb-pmbtq-14957f9 much of the information will be universal to all…and may just help someone, and make a difference to their situation.
M42 Junction 10 Closures
Dear Customer,
I’m writing to inform you of some upcoming essential maintenance work on the M42 southbound between junction 11 and junction 10. As part of the work, our primary activities will be resurfacing the road and renewing the road markings. We’ll also be using the closure to carry additional maintenance activities to provide a clearer and safer carriageway for road users.
We’ll be carrying out our work overnight, between 9pm and 6am, on 25 August 2023 to 28 August 2023, including weekend work.
To carry out our work safely, there will be a total closure of the M42 southbound between junction 11 and junction10. There will also be a lane 2 closure on the M42 northbound carriageway between junction 10 and junction 11. During this closure, a signed diversion route will be in place as below:
Access for emergency vehicles will be maintained.
We’ll make every
effort to ensure the impact on the local community and travelling public is
kept to a minimum. We always aim to work to the programme, however unforeseen
circumstances or adverse weather conditions may mean
Please accept our apologies in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.
Kind Regards
Laura Brampton|Business Services Co-ordinator
Operations Directorate - Midlands
National Highways | The Cube | 199 Wharfside Street | Birmingham | B1 1RN
Parish Council Meeting Postponed
Due to unforeseeable personal circumstances, the meeting scheduled for the 25th July at 7pm has been postponed for a week.
The rearranged meeting will take place on Tuesday 1st August 2023 7pm at Ridge Lane Chapel and Community Room.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Annual Parish Meeting
Beautiful Bluebells
The month of May in Mancetter Parish is a wonderful blaze of blue at this time of year.
Growing in the ancient woodland around Steppey Lane and Monks Park Lane in the heart of Mancetter and Ridge Lane, they are at there very best, so do take the opportunity to see them in all their glory.
Speak to your local Police Officers
Cuppa with a Copper
Atherstone Safer Neighbourhood Team will be at Dobbies Garden Centre on Friday 31st March from 9am - 11am
and Wednesday 5th April from 10am -12pm.
Please go along to meet the local team and to ask any questions you may have.
Theft of Vehicle Arrests
North Warwickshire Neighbourhood Watch Meeting
M42 Junction 10
Dear Customer,
As a response to concerns from local businesses, we’ll now work across the next two Saturdays overnight on 18 February and 25 February, 8pm to 6am. Access to Trinity road for all vehicles under 7.5 tonnes (or non HGV traffic) will be via the signed diversion route. To complete our work safely, access to Trinity Road for larger vehicles will be restricted (above 7.5 tonnes).
Whilst we work at this location on 18 February and 25 February, we’ll close the eastern side of the roundabout. This will include the M42 J10 southbound exit slip, and the A5 westbound approach. Although Trinity Road will be closed, larger vehicles, can maintain access from Trinity Road to the M42 southbound through a dedicated traffic marshal if access is still required.
During closures, a fully signed diversion will be in place as below. Please plan ahead an allow additional time for your journey.
M42 northbound/southbound to A5 diversion (vice versa) M42 southbound to A5 westbound diversion
We apologise for any further inconvenience caused.
If you have any questions, or if you would like to know more about our work, please call us on 0300 123 5000 or email info@nationalhighways.co.uk
Wishing you a safe journey
Kind regards
Laura Brampton|Business Services Co-ordinator
Operations Directorate - Midlands
National Highways | The Cube | 199 Wharfside Street
| Birmingham | B1 1RN
Mobile: 07563 373 991
Reducing Energy Costs in Rural Areas
With a significant proportion of households being off the mains gas network, saving on heating bills is a
particular concern for people living and working in rural Warwickshire.
Domestic heating is usually more expensive in rural areas as housing tends to
be older and less energy-efficient and so fuel poverty is generally higher.
So, in 2012 WRCC set up an energy
buying syndicate to create collective purchasing power and keep prices at an
affordable level for users. Membership is open to all in Warwickshire –
whether you’re an individual householder, a community group or a business – and
it’s free to join.
You’ll be pleased to hear that saving on
heating costs can add up significant, too.
Over the past 6 years WRCC have ordered
over 5.2 million litres of kerosene and saved members over £265,000 against
average prices quoted – and a huge £539,000 against the maximum prices quoted
by local suppliers!
And by helping suppliers to plan and
deliver orders more efficiently, we’re saving oil miles and doing our bit to
reduce carbon footprint locally, too.
If you’ve got any questions or would like
more information, on joining the WRCC syndicate call us on 01789 472619.
How It Works
Members can place monthly orders via our
site. The minimum order amount is 500 litres and each order helps to
increase our negotiating power, saving on heating bills for all our
customers. Orders must be placed before 12 noon on the deadline date and,
once submitted, are regarded as being binding.
LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) Orders
We have an arrangement with Swift Energy Consultants Limited, one of the market suppliers, so you can also make savings on LPG orders (bulk and cylinders)
If there is sufficient interest in Mancetter Parish, WRCC can even help set up our own syndicate to purchase from a local supplier with potentially further savings to be made.
So if you are interested in exploring a local heating oil syndicate then please email the clerk at
with your contact name, address & phone number, so we can arrange a meeting.
If you know anyone who
uses heating oil in the parish can you please be so good as to inform them of
the syndicate as the more people that join the scheme potentially the greater
the discounts applied.
Safety on Frozen Water
Help us to protect you and your loved ones
“Help us to protect you and your loved ones” – This is the urgent plea of emergency and public services across Warwickshire.
Yesterday saw two incidents responded to by multiple emergency services in the county following people reporting seeing others walking across frozen water.
Emergency and public services in Warwickshire, as part of the Local Resilience Forum (LRF), work together in the county to warn and inform residents of dangers as well as responding together to incidents.
Today, Co-Chair of the Warwickshire LRF and speaking on behalf of all agencies, Deputy Chief Constable Alex Franklin-Smith, urged all residents to take heed of his message:
“I cannot begin to imagine the pain the families and friends of those who have recently lost their lives just across the border at Babbs Mill Lake must be going through following the tragic loss of four young lives. Collectively across Warwickshire we send all those affected our deepest sympathies, and our hearts go out to everyone in their local community.
“Despite this incident, yesterday in Warwickshire we had two reports of young people being seen walking on frozen water. Each was quickly responded to by multiple emergency services with extensive searches carried out and thankfully there has been no evidence in each case of anyone coming to any harm.
“However, this could have been a very different situation had anyone entered the water at either of these locations.
“I urge everyone to help us protect you and your loved ones and stay clear of all frozen water in Warwickshire.”
Fellow LRF Co-Chair and Chief Fire Officer Ben Brook added: “We want everyone in our county to have a safe winter. While the cold weather persists, we need people to take extra care while walking or playing near any frozen water. Whilst the lake or water may look frozen, it may not be solid enough to hold any weight and in situations involving pets, where people go in to rescue them, or young people who may not see the dangers present, the situation can quickly change.
“All open water, particularly when it’s frozen, can pose significant risks to people. We may be a land-locked county, but we are not without these risks. Our message to everyone right now is to stay well away from the water’s edge. Please don’t try to walk or skate on frozen water. Regardless of how solid it looks, you never know when the ice may give way, in which instance tragic outcomes are common.
“Please take the time now to talk to young people, friends and family, about the dangers of frozen lakes and water and why it’s important for them to stay safe, so that we can protect our loved ones.”
DCC Franklin-Smith concluded: ”We would also like to take this opportunity to thank the members of public who quickly reported the recent incidents to us so that we could take the swift actions we did to try and locate and identify any people at risk.
“This needs to be a community response to this risk and together we can keep all of our loved ones safe this winter.
“On behalf of Warwickshire LRF and all the partners working to keep you safe 24/7, I wish you all a very peaceful and safe Christmas and new year.”
Update on Environmental Concerns along the Coventry Canal near Mancetter
The NWBC Pollution Control Officer has included an update on the incident from the Canal and River Trust. They have stated:
The Environment Agency’s officer is confident what we are dealing with is blue-green algae which has bloomed in the milder weather and frozen during this current cold snap. Apparently, this results in this stark visual phenomenon and can cause fish kills because of an associated crash in dissolved oxygen.
Blue-green algae is naturally occurring and therefore the Environment Agency will not be investigating this further. The Agency did conduct water quality monitoring over the weekend and found pH, dissolved oxygen, and ammonia levels were at suitable levels and therefore do not believe there is an ongoing water quality or pollution issue.
Canal and River Trust does not consider that blanket closures of reservoirs or canals are necessary. The central Health and Safety Team have advised that the Trusts duty is to warn water users of the health risks from their recreational activity in waters with BGA blooms. It is then the water users’ decision whether or not to continue with their activity at a particular site.
For most users who experience incidental water contact the advice is to avoid exposure to accumulation of scum (looking like blue green paint, grass clippings or floating mats), where the greatest concentrations of toxin may occur. In general scums tend to accumulate along the downwind shore-line. Users should also be advised to avoid water discoloured bright green or blue green (indicative of an algal bloom prior to scum formation),even though scum may be absent.
Jubilee Jamboree
We are working with St Peter's Church Mancetter and Mancetter Memorial Hall to put on a free community event on Sunday 5th June from 1pm - 4pm. Everyone welcome.
Replacing the Curly Wurly Bridge
To install the new bridge deck and access ramps safely, the A5 will be closed between
Mancetter and Holly Lane as follows;
A5 full closure overnight on Saturday 28 May, 8pm to 6am.
A5 full closure overnight on 30 May, 31 May and 1 June, 8pm to 6am.
A5 full closure overnight on 6 June, 7 June and 8 June, 8pm to 6am.
A5 full weekend closure from 8pm on Friday 10 June to 6am on Monday 13 June.
To demolish the old bridge safely, the A5 will be closed between Mancetter and Holly
Lane as follows;
A5 full closure from 8pm on Friday 17 June to 6am on Monday 20 June.
Please be advised that whilst we demolish the old bridge, pedestrian access across
the A5 will be closed for reasons surrounding safety. We believe access across the A5
will be reinstated by Wednesday 22 May. However, our contractor will aim to have
access reinstated at the earliest convenience, and a time that it is safe to do so.
Our work is subject to change due to weather or any unforeseen circumstances.
For any further updates, please subscribe to our mailing list by emailing
noreplyA5WMids@nationalhighways.co.uk. If you’ve previously subscribed no further
action required.
We’ll make every effort to manage noise and additional lighting whilst we work at this
location to minimise the impact on local residents. We’ll also aim to reopen the
carriageway as soon as it is safe to do so.
Parish Councillor Vacancy
Mancetter Parish Council has a vacancy for a Parish Councillor, to assist in our quest to advocate for the rights of the people who live and work in our villages.
Please consider joining us to help represent the needs of the community of Mancetter and Ridge Lane, and continue to make our parish a place to be proud of.
For further information please email Elane Higgins at parishclerk@mancetter.org.uk or telephone 01827 722552 for an informal chat.