Mancetter Parish Council Allotments are at a site in Ridge Lane owned by Mancetter Parish Council.
There are 23½ full allotments at the site. The minimum allotment size is ¼ of a full allotment. There is no formal allotment group but holders of allotments actively advise, support and help one another.

All of the allotments are currently allocated, however Mancetter Parish Council are happy to accept contact details of prospective applicants for allotments when any become available.
To add your name to the waiting list please contact the Parish Clerk on parishclerk@mancetterparishcouncil.gov.uk
Rents are collected in February each year, and tenants asked annually if they wish to continue, relinquish their plot or reduce the size. Waiting lists are usually reviewed at this time and also upon the resignation of a plot holder. Details of the Allotment Rules and Risk Assessment can be found in the policy section of this website.
Priority is always given to residents of Mancetter and Ridge Lane for any vacant plots.