Litter Picking in Ridge Lane

Ridge Lane


Keep Britain Tidy. With its roots in rural life, protection of the countryside has always been important to the WI and it was a resolution in 1954 that brought about one. This resolution called for a campaign to ‘preserve the countryside against desecration by litter,’ and subsequently led to the formation of the Keep Britain Tidy group.

Did you know that its 70 years since the `Keep Britain Tidy' campaign was established by the WI? in 1954.  It has now become a recognised charity and its aims to maintain a litter free environment are familiar to everyone young and old.

To celebrate this achievement of reaching 70, Ridge Lane WI will be teaming up with Mancetter Parish Council to hold a litter pick next Friday 19th July at 11am.

We are meeting at the entrance to the playing field opposite Wakeford Close 

All equipment will be provided, we just need people to join in for one hour to help make Ridge Lane look tidy.

Please come along and lend a hand...all are welcome.