
Manduessedum - Mancetter Village (Place of War Chariots)
Mancetter Parish Council
Serving the People of Mancetter and Ridge Lane
Please click on the link below to watch a brief power point presentation on our vision for the creation of a new Nature Reserve in Mancetter Parish, interconnected to Hartshill Hayes Country Park.
We would love to know your thoughts on how this project could make a difference to our villages and the wider community.
What does the Parish Council Do?
Mancetter Parish Council owns the picturesque Village Green, Mancetter Cemetery and Ridge Lane Allotments. It uses funds from cemetery fees and council tax to maintain these to a high standard; along with the historic St Peter's Churchyard, and the entrances to 11 miles of rights of way and rural footpaths.
The Council values local people, and where possible uses local contractors. Thank you Rob Drakeford, Barry Stevenson and John Thompson for all of your hard work and dedication.
They employ a part- time clerk and responsible financial officer. Elane Higgins is the CILCA qualified legal advisor for the council, who works alongside the councillors to implement the work of Mancetter Parish Council.
The Parish Council is a Burial Authority with sole responsibility for the upkeep and management of Mancetter Cemetery.
There is a rented office base in Mancetter Memorial Hall, so that members of the Public can pre-arrange a face to face visit to discuss an issue as well as using the phone, email and website addresses.
Launched in 2022, Mancetter Parish Council also has a Facebook page to share information via social media.
The council is consulted by North Warwickshire Borough Council and Warwickshire County Council about matters affecting the Parish that come under their jurisdiction.
Importantly, it acts as the voice of parishioners with those councils, the police and a number of other organisations over matters concerning the Parish.
Mancetter Parish Council meets every two months on the fourth Tuesdays of January, March, May, July, September and November.
The Annual Parish Meeting for Residents and Local Community Groups is held in April (May in an election year).
This is where Parishioners have the opportunity to ask questions of the Parish Council and discuss general issues affecting the Parish. It must take place between March and May every year. All local Community Groups and Organisations within the Parish are invited to attend this meeting, and share their activities and the good work that they do within the villages of Mancetter and Ridge Lane. The Council provides a report on its activities and a financial update.
The Parish Council also host a second Parish Meeting each year in the 3rd week of September. Not being constrained by legal requirements, it provides an opportunity for councillors and parishioners to meet in a more relaxed way and talk about our village communities.
At other Parish Council Meetings parishioners may attend and speak briefly during the Public Question Time section of the meeting. If you wish to attend a Parish Council meeting please contact the Parish Clerk. Occasionally, the public may be excluded from part of the meeting if personal information relating to an individual is discussed.
All meetings, unless stated otherwise, are held in the School Room at St. Peter's Church, Mancetter and start at 7.00pm.
Access to the room is along the drive to the church car park.
Parish Council Precept
The Precept is the way that the Parish Council raises money to cover expenditure for the year and is charged through the council tax system.
Based upon the approved budget, at the meeting on 28th January 2025, the Parish Council unanimously agreed to increase the total
annual precept to £37,000.
This is an overall increase of £2,000 in total for the year, equal to a percentage increase of 8.03%, as our tax base is lower this year.
Based upon the Council Tax Bands, the Parish Council increase FOR THE YEAR on bands
A-H are as follows: Band A £3.99, B £4.65, C £5.31, D £5.98, E £7.30, F £8.63,
G £9.95, H £11.95.
Mancetter Parish Neighbourhood Plan
A neighbourhood plan is a legal document that is required to be considered by planning authorities regarding future development.
Please click on the link below to view the current Neighbourhood Plan for the Parish of Mancetter.
Paying for my food, energy and water
If you are a Warwickshire resident with no other access to funds to pay for food or energy bills, you may be eligible for support through the Local Welfare Scheme.
For more information, visit the Local Welfare Scheme pages or call 0800 4081448 or 01926 359182.
Phone lines are open Monday to Thursday from 9am to 5pm and Friday from 9am to 4.30pm.
Getting money advice
If you have concerns about debt, managing your money, what benefits you are entitled to, housing or employment, the Citizens Advice website contains an array of advice, support and services to help. You can also reach out to your local Citizens Advice in Northern Warwickshire, Bedworth, Rugby and Nuneaton or South Warwickshire, depending on where you live, or you can call their Adviceline on 0800 144 8848 (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm).
Any aspect of family life
If you are struggling with supporting your family, including issues such as finance, housing and childcare, turn to your local Family Information Service. They provide information, advice and one-to-one support for families with children and young people aged 0-25. Visit the Children and Families website or call their helpline on 01926 742274 (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm).
You may also be eligible for Free School Meals for your child.
Emergency food
If you are in a situation where you need emergency access to food, you should access your nearest food bank. Many local food banks are listed on the Trussell Trust website, and you can also find more on the Warwickshire County Council food banks page.
Stress and my mental health
The rise in the cost of living can lead to worry and stress which can impact your mental health. If you are in urgent need of mental health support, call the NHS Mental Health Access Hub freephone helpline on 08081 966798 (available 24/7).
In a medical emergency, if someone is seriously ill or injured and there is a risk to life, call 999.
There is also support available online or at face-to-face Access Hubs via Wellbeing for Warwickshire.